Monday, July 6, 2020

Review: HighKey Keto-Friendly High Protein Cereal

I am always on the lookout for a product to make my keto life easier. Even before going keto, I never ate cereal because there are NO healthy cereals at the grocery store. And, cereals by their very nature, are not filling, and are lacking in good nutrition. You’ll be hungry again two hours later.

So when I saw this high protein cereal, I was intrigued. It claims to have zero net carbs. Well, we’ll see.

Let me say that this cereal is delicious! However, the first thing I was disappointed in was the size of the box. I paid $11.79 for this cereal, and the box isn’t even as tall as my microwave. Furthermore, one serving is only 1/2 cup. Now you’re probably thinking, “What difference does it make? If it’s 0 net carbs, have two servings.” Well here’s the problem with net carbs:

It’s just a sales gimmick. It is NOT true that you do not break down and metabolize fiber. Some people do metabolize small amounts of the fiber they eat. And since this varies from person to person, you cannot know exactly how many carbs you are going to get from this. But it will raise blood sugar, especially for people like me who are very sensitive to carbs. 

This means the cereal actually has 11 carbs per half cup serving. Still better than regular cereal, but too much for me. Now, six of those carbs come from erythritol, so you can subtract those. So you are effectively getting 5 carbs per half cup.

This cereal was the cinnamon flavor. It’s shaped similar to Rice Crispies but doesn’t snap, crackle or pop. As an occasional treat, I would definitely say it’s better than a candy bar. But not something you probably want to eat daily on keto.

On the other hand, it would be a great cereal substitute for your kids. Although the best thing you can do for your kids is bacon and eggs for breakfast, when they want cereal, this is what I’d buy.

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Amazon Keto Products Box Review

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