Sunday, July 21, 2019

Baked Ramen Pie

What do you make for dinner when all you have in the house is odds and ends? The answer is, baked Ramen Pie!


2 pie crusts
2 packages Ramen noodles
2 cups whole kernel corn
1 cup bell pepper, chopped
1/2 pound bacon, fried and crumbled
2 packages sausage gravy mix

Put bottom pie crust into 9 inch deep dish pie pan. Cook Ramen noodles and drain (do not use flavor packets). Make sausage gravy according to package directions. Combine noodles, corn, bell pepper, bacon, and gravy in a large bowl. Toss until gravy is evenly distributed throughout noodles. Pour mixture into pie pan and smooth out. Top with other pie crust and pinch top and bottom crusts together. Make four small slits in top crust. Sprinkle top crust with pepper. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes or until lightly browned.

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